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Argentina* | Czech Republic | Isle of Man* | Nicaragua* | Sri Lanka* |
Chile | ||||
Armenia* | Denmark | Israel | Norway | Sudan* |
Australia | Dominican Republic | Italy | Pakistan* | Sweden |
Austria | Ecuador* | Japan | Panama* | Switzerland |
Bahrain | Egypt* | Jordan* | Paraguay* | Taiwan* |
Belarus* | El Salvador | Kazakhstan* | Peru* | Tajikistan* |
Belgium | Estonia | Kenya | Philippines* | Tanzania* |
Bolivia* | Finland | Kuwait* | Poland | Thailand |
Bosnia* | France | Latvia | Portugal | Tunisia* |
Botswana* | Georgia* | Lithuania | Puerto Rico | Turkey* |
Brazil | Germany | Luxembourg | Qatar* | Uganda* |
Bulgaria | Greece | Madagascar* | Republic of Korea* | Ukraine* |
Burkina Faso* | Grenada* | Malaysia | Romania | United Kingdom |
Cambodia* | Guinea* | Mali* | Saudi Arabia* | United States |
Canada | Hong Kong | Malta | Serbia* | Uruguay* |
China* | Hungary | Mexico | Singapore* | Venezuela* |
Colombia | Iceland | Moldova* | Slovakia | Vietnam* |
Costa Rica* | India* | Namibia* | Slovenia | |
Croatia | Indonesia | Netherlands | South Africa | |
Cyprus | Ireland | New Zealand | Spain |
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